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segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2021

Atividade Simple Present


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My name is Kevin McRoy. I am a famous manager of rock stars. I work with fantastic superstars! I work a lot. I always get up at six o'clock. Then, I exercise for two hours.  After that I have breakfast and get ready for work. I take my wife to her computer school and than I go to my studio. My workday begins at nine. At my studio I speak to famous stars and theater managers and I write many letters. My long workday generally finishes at eight. Sometimes I have dinner with my wife at a nice restaurant near the studio. I usually get home at ten, but I never go to bed before midnight.

1) Reescreva as frases abaixo, colocando na terceira pessoa do singular, conforme o exemplo dado:

Model: I am a famous manager of rocks stars.

            He is a famous manager of rock stars

A) I work a lot.

B) I exercise for two hours.

C) My workday begins at nine.

D) My long workday generally finishes at eight.


2) Complete as frases usando o Simple Present

A) Mariana __________ TV on Mondays. (to watch)

B) _______ Pedro ___________ soccer on Saturdays? (to play)

C) _______ yours brothers __________Spanish? (to speak)

D) We ____________our exercises in the morning.

E) Isabella ________to school in the afternoon. (to do)

F) Good kids _______ their teeth and _______ their hands. (to brush- to wash)


Read and answer the questions

            A day in the life of a Brazilian student

            My day stars very early. I get up at six o’clock in the morning. I have breakfast at half past six. After breakfast, I go to school but I don’t take a bus. I walk to school, because we live near it. I start school at seven o’clock. I stay there until noon. After school, I go home and I have lunch. After lunch I study and I do my homework. At five o’clock I take a shower. At seven o’clock all my family is at home and we have dinner together. We talk about our day. After dinner, we watch TV or listen to good music. I don’t go to bed very late. I go to bed before ten o’clock.

3) Answer the questions

A) What time does she have breakfast?

B) How does she go to school? Why?

C) What does she do after lunch?

D) What time does she have dinner?

E) What time does she go to the bed?

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